Out of all the skills you must learn as a business owner, there is one you need more than any other.
And that is:
A YEAR-LONG SALES TRAINING & COACHING PROGRAM THAT will teach you to get clients & customers any time you want them.
Let's hear it for the creatives, freelancers, entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs who...
KNOW they need to up their sales game, but fear they’re “just not good at selling”. Learn the Skill of Getting a Customer in 24 Hours – Even If You’re a Total Beginner
This program will teach you to get clients & customers any time you want them.
Really want to make this “business thing” work, but the demands of full-time jobs, kids & life in general makes it HARD to see consistent progress.
Are throwing spaghetti at the wall while actually craving simplicity & success.
Have SO many ideas & would love some focus and accountability to get real traction.
Consider themselves at the “beginning” of their entrepreneurial journey (you probably have earned $0-$25K in your business in the last 6 months).
"I sent my very first emails in the Same Day Sales program. I got so much support from my own little community and many of them sent their teenagers to a beta workshop that I held, which was also an idea that came up in Same Day Sales.
That helped me start to co-create this future program with the teens themselves. And as I started implementing what they wanted into my six week program, Steph held her 'Get a Sale Challenge' inside Same Day Sales. And I immediately thought, 'but you I have nothing to sell yet! My program is not ready!'
But the training helped me think outside of the box and realize that I needed to be and I could be scrappy, as Steph likes to call it. So I took elements of my beta workshop and then I created three paid workshops.
And I did that all in ONE afternoon because I used stuff I already had. And I'm doing those workshops over the summer with teens as I continue to build my full program, but I'm able to make some money in the meantime.
If you are on the fence about joining Same Day Sales, my advice for you is to really trust what Steph says the program will be like and trust that you will get the attention that you need. Not only the one on one attention on the monthly calls, but also attention from new encouraging friends that you will definitely gain in the program as well."
Stephanie H.
"You will get the attention that you need. Not only the one on one attention on the monthly calls, but also attention from new encouraging friends that you will definitely gain"
July tends to be a slow month for the cookbook publishing industry. This year, I decided not to follow that energy in my business. It’s been fun to turn a “slow” month into one where I am excited about staying in conversation with my people.
Maggie G.
July is slow in publishing but not for my sales
I’ve hit my minimum baseline monthly revenue savings goal for the rest of the YEAR so I’m super happy about that because it makes me feel detached about finding more work. I know more will come and can take a break while feeling peaceful. I know when the time comes to book more work I can start the conversations needed to do that
Sarah G.
I made two unexpected sales!
This is a skill that will never stop being important in your toolbelt – and not having this skill will prevent you from ever getting to the sustainable sales strategies you’re dreaming about.
You NEED to learn how to sell something ANY TIME you want a customer.
Selling does not have to suck, and it certainly doesn’t have to feel sleazy.
Selling CAN simply feel like COLLABORATING.
You’re ready to sell and you can be taught.
You don’t suck at selling – you just never learned how.
This program IS a 12-month selling “safe space” created by a seasoned Sales Trainer & Business Coach, you will learn to get really good at getting a customer anytime you want one.
In fact, you will know exactly what to do in order to make a sale in 24 hours or less – anytime you desire.
ENOUGH tinkering with your website. No more research or “preparing to prepare”. We’re done playing business. It’s time to make consistent money helping your ideal people.
"The program for me has been a whole series of mindset shifts that have truly changed the way we work. One of the biggest things that I've learned is that you can sell and serve at the same time. And that has been huge.
There was one three week period I sold $6,000 worth of programs and sponsorships to 12 people!
I would tell anybody to join the program. I feel very seen and there's so much personalization and answering of our own specific questions along with hearing the questions of the other people in the cohort.
It's been truly impactful and a huge wow."
Jill M
"I feel very SEEN... there's so much personalization"
I can't believe I turned a cost objection into a sale by offering a payment plan. It was not difficult! So if anyone is reading this thinking they can't pester people; I did it, it felt like a service, I was being kind and the words I got back were “we've decided to invest.” That felt really good. I would never have done this before Same Day Sales.
Rauni H.
I turned a price objection into a sale... I’d never done that before
I talked to a prospective client via messenger, sent him the invoice to complete the transaction, and he literally paid the invoice while I was on a rollercoaster last night! It felt very FREE, just like, look at me, I’m on a rollercoaster and I’m making money!
Kinzie E.
I made a sale while riding a rollercoaster last night!
I decided to follow the Sales Call script to the letter after struggling with calls that didn’t convert. I felt so confident during the call—like a true scientist getting to the bottom of the client’s needs. It felt amazing! I just got word that the client picked me! Yeah, Baby! The entire engagement will bring in $3,600 (enough to pay for SDS twice over)! I can’t wait for my next sales call to see if I can close the deal again!
Monique S.
The sales call script really works – I made $3,600!
Using the Same Day Sales process, I co-created a new offer with one of my past clients. I designed it according to her needs and she bought it! It’s now a new income stream for me and something I love selling and delivering.
Ita R.
I sold a 6 month package of WhatsApp coaching!
I am on a mission to create the best sales training & coaching program that exists for beginner stage online entrepreneurs.
"I have learned so much in Same Day Sales.
I love the strategy inside the curriculum section, which teaches us how to build stuff that people actually want to buy. You'll learn how to you get your clients to tell you what it is that they want you to create so you don't end up making something that nobody even wants. I love that same day sales is not about fancy funnels or expensive tools. It's just about using whatever you already have to sell to people you're already connected with.
I love the support. I love that I can go into the portal at any time and ask a question and Steph or Cami will answer the question and help me out with and guide me with what I need to do.
Whether that's "what is my next step?" or "How do I answer a prospective client?", I'm always just one post away from getting help. I love that the program is 12 months. That gives me enough time to learn and implement and try and try again until I get it right. I also love the monthly coaching calls, and I love hearing other people's questions. Besides for getting coached myself, I love hearing what other people have to ask.
Sometimes other people ask things that I didn't even think to ask or they ask something that brings out something that I really needed to hear as well. They're always relevant. I love that Same Day Sales is aligned with my values. I don't walk away feeling like a sleazy salesman. I've learned that I can do sales in a way that still feels good and aligned and genuine.
The most important thing I have gotten out of same day sales is that it pushes me out of my comfort zone and it gets me to do things that I know I need to do but I don't want to do or I haven't been taking the time to do. This is really pushing me to do the stuff that needs to get done so that I can get results."
Ita R
" I love that Same Day Sales is aligned with my values. I don't walk away feeling like a sleazy salesman. I've learned that I can do sales in a way that still feels good and aligned and genuine... This is really pushing me to do the stuff that needs to get done so that I can get results."
I’m amazed and delighted to say that I have more than covered the cost of Same Day Sales already with my pilot course. I sold by inviting people, I dealt with objections, I’ve been really open about the fact that this is an experiment to develop the course, and these folks will have free access next time I run it, so I feel good about it being brilliant value, but I’m still getting paid already. Feels good.
Rauni H.
I've made back my investment in Same Day Sales with my pilot course
Going through the Same Day Sales process for Offer Oven has been eye opening! I booked and completed 1 project, now I’m onto the next one next week and I haven’t officially launched it yet.
Aiza C.
My scrappy offer is going legit
I’ve only watched the first 3 lessons in the course, but I’ve had two discovery calls since starting, and just from knowing I have this program in my toolkit, I felt a quiet confidence I’ve never had before.
Temima G.
Already feeling more confident
I think it changed my life/business trajectory. I sat down at my desk and set my visual timer for an hour and was like, if nothing else — Money Making Activities for an hour!
And I just booked a client! This FEELS good!
Kinzie E.
Yesterday’s coaching call rewired something in my brain
Let's break it down:
Working with Steph gave me the confidence and motivation to keep going in business and keep making continuous progress. She has a rare talent for: 1. helping you figure out what is the best, most strategic next step to take and 2. for writing and/or improving your copy to make it compelling, while staying true to your message and who you are. If I hadn't worked with Steph, I wouldn't be where I am today!
" If I hadn't worked with Steph, I wouldn't be where I am today!"
“Steph gave me permission to not have to market myself all the time. I no longer feel I have to prove myself on social media, and could focus on smarter communication (no dancing!) Now I enjoy my work and have people knocking on MY door, so I’m getting even more clients. This new mindset has freed me up to be a better coach and focus on THEM (my clients!) ”
" I no longer feel I have to prove myself "
I’ve been blocked for MONTHS about my niche and how to sell to them. After talking about it on a coaching call with Steph, I felt SO much clarity and a whole new perspective. That advice alone is worth what I paid for a year in this program.
Sarah G.
One coaching call is worth what I paid for a year in this program
It’s so rewarding to see how following the steps in the SDS system works. I’ve been so inconsistent with promoting my programs and offerings and this challenge is getting me moving. In the last few days, I fine-tuned my offer and created internal and external urgency with my special pricing and prompting to get started before the holidays. I sent out 125 emails less than an hour ago and one person just signed up. 😊
Just got a sale after sending out an email blast with my offer
I signed my first 1:1 book coaching client last week for a 3 month contract. She’s someone from my personal network who I reached out to, so it’s exciting!
Stephanie O.
New client using my network
The Same Day Sales Training Curriculum
There’s an entire year to master the art of making a sale in just 24 hours.
When you join Same Day Sales, you’ve got 12 entire months of coaching, training, sales scripts, templates & feedback waiting for you.
Your First 30 Days in Same Day Sales
Instantly shift from seeing sales as “scammy & sleazy” to connection, invitation-based consulting. You can stop hating sales right away.
Uncover your best, easiest to sell cash injection offer in just 1 sitting
Make sales using conversations – you do NOT need sales pages, flashy email campaigns, social media posts or endless shouting into the void to get quick sales!
Strengthen your offer with customer feedback (yes, people will ACTUALLY talk back to you when you try to start convos!)
Use our copy & paste process to bring out warm leads & start talking to them
Private, Coach-Led Community for Feedback & Support
A recap of what’s included:
Same Day Sales Curriculum (5 Modules, Bite-Sized Lessons)
Templates, Handouts, Talk Tracks & Objection Handling Library
12 months access to all materials, coaching & community
Monthly Deep-Dive Group Coaching Calls
Wants to figure out what to sell, who to sell it to and how to find more of those people.
Wants to grow your audience, grow your customer base & grow your business.
Is ready to roll up your sleeves & make real MONEY at this thing.
Is ready to start earning more than $25k in the next 6 months.
Wants to learn the skill of getting a SALE in 24 hours any time you want one.
You feel you need 1:1 attention to get results.
You want someone to review your copy, funnels etc.
Is ready to roll up your sleeves & make real MONEY at this thing.
You want a coach who will smile & nod all the time.
You are more interested in being right than you are in fixing what’s not working.
At age 16 I served as Director of Sales Training at Groupon for all of North America.
After becoming a top sales rep myself, I became a sales trainer when we were bringing on 50+ new employees every week.
I helped develop a sales process based on sales psychology that was so effective, I got to go help roll it out in Europe!
I’ve been a business coach for entrepreneurs since 2015. I got my start in coaching at Fizzle, a membership site for entrepreneurs where I coached thousands of people across every industry imaginable.
I’ve also generated 7 figures in my own business with coaching & courses.
I'm a Sales & Business Coach of 14 years, a Certified Life Coach, a mom of two amazing neurodivergent kiddos & a lover of romantasy novels.
DM me on Instagram (@heystephcrowder)
OR email the team (hello@stephcrowder.com).
I’m wishing you an AMAZING year ahead!
– Steph Crowder
If you'd like to chat with me to answer any questions you have:
This program will teach you to get clients & customers any time you want them.
A Year-Long Sales Training & Coaching Program
Probably! I do have plans to launch the program in the future. At some point the price will go up – THIS IS THE LOWEST PRICE you will ever see for this program. And honestly, why wait to make money? If the idea of getting customers now is appealing to you, I wouldn’t recommend waiting.
It’s a bit of a chicken or the egg, is it not? You need more money to work with me, but this program teaches you to make money with sales skills.
Please honor your financial situation and do not put undue financial strain on yourself in order to join. Only you know what that means for you.
And also, know that the aim of this program is to teach you to make a sale in 24 hours whenever you want one. This program is truly designed to help entrepreneurs do the most important thing they can do: make money.
Your year in Same Day Sales starts as soon as you sign up! All of the curriculum, scripts, templates, examples & trainings are waiting for you to dive in and get going at your own pace. We will have a Kickoff Call to help you get settled and get started with a bang.
I hear you – summer is NUTS! That’s actually exactly why you need Same Day Sales NOW. I’m a mom too, and I know firsthand that if you don’t intentionally choose support & help, you’re simply pushing your problems to the Fall.
You need to be making money the easy way this summer so you aren’t freaking out in the Fall. You could be bringing customers in the Same Day Sales way and still have plenty of time to enjoy the pool, the beach or your 800th episode of Bluey.
Your sales problems do not care if it’s Summer. You do not need a lot of time to solve this problem. We’ve given you a year in the program so you can slow down when you need to. But you will seriously regret allowing your sales to come to a screeching halt. Keep making progress with us, even if you have VERY limited time.