Get ready for the second half of my conversation with Amanda Boleyn!
So remember, this show is all about helping you find the courage & the clarity to go after what you love.
So, this is the CLARITY portion of my interview with Amanda.
I’m breaking each conversation up into two episodes — one called COURAGE, the part where we get into the dark moments that create amazing vision — and one called CLARITY — the part where my guests let us in on their expertise and give us a real process to apply in our own lives.
The episode before this one was Amanda’s “courage” story, so if you happened to miss that one I highly recommend you listen to that first. This fantastic lady shared her real, raw & vulnerable moments along her path to entrepreneurship, and it really sets the stage for this juicy episode.
Speaking of which, today Amanda is telling us about her 3 step-framework for making the transition from your day job to working on your business full time.
She calls her three steps the Lead Up, the Leap, and the Land. Amanda coaches women through this process over in the She Did it Her Way community.
Some key questions Amanda answers in this episode include:
What should we be doing to “lead up” to this transition? How do we set ourselves up for success?
How do you know when it’s time to LEAP?
So we quit our jobs… now what?
I have to tell you she is truly gifted in this area. In fact, she often warns people to not get too close to her or else you might quit your job 🙂 And that’s exactly what happened to me when I met Amanda!
She’s got energy and enthusiasm, and she’s sharing the practical steps to help you seize the window of opportunity when it opens for you.
I’m pumped to share this conversation with you guys, and don’t miss the end of the episode where I share my favorite takeaways.
I’m also giving you a little sneak preview of what to expect from my upcoming Courage & Clarity episodes…
Enjoy this conversation — I’m wishing you the courage & the clarity to go after what you love!
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